Restorelle® Flat Mesh
Restorelle® Flat Mesh
Restorelle® L and XL products incorporate Smartmesh® technology into flat grafts specifically for pelvic floor repair procedures.
Restorelle® products incorporate Smartmesh® technology in a full array of customised shapes and flat grafts specifically for pelvic floor repair procedures. Smartmesh – a physiologically compatible, ultra-lightweight mesh encourages superior collagen tissue growth for optimal outcomes.
Smartmesh technology provides long term strength while maintaining vaginal elasticity of natural tissue. The mesh is non-palpable to the patient and her partner with near zero erosion and low incidence of dyspareunia. It is the first mesh designed by a surgeon, specifically with a woman’s anatomy and tissue healing requirements in mind.
Restorelle L and XL are indicated for Anterior and Posterior repair.
For mild, moderate, and severe prolapse
Customization based on physician preference
Digitex® Suture Delivery Ssystem, StatTack, or AbsorbaTack fixation technologies